KOMNING Rechtsanwälte - RA Birte Raguse
Fax: +49 40 60943680

RA Birte Raguse

Areas of expertise

Insurance law, medicine law, business mediation

Curriculum vitae

Birte Raguse is a licensed lawyer since 2004 and specialist solicitor for insurance law since 2009. After obtaining her license she worked three years for KOMNING law firm in Neubrandenburg. In 2007 she moved to Hamburg and is leading the subsidiary there since 2013.


Specialist solicitor for insurance law
Training as a specialist solicitor for medicine law
Mediator for businesses (DAA)


Birte Raguse studied at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität at Greifswald. She did her lawyer’s training at the regional court in Neubrandenburg and took her bar exam in 2004. In 2009 she became specialist solicitor for insurance law and in 2010 she was trained to become a mediator for businesses. She also took training for a specialization in medicine law.

Memberships / Honorary Appointments

Birte Raguse is a member of the working group on insurance law of the Deutscher Anwaltsverein (German lawyers’ association), of the Förderverein für die Forschungsstelle für Versicherungswesen der Universität Münster e.V (supporting club for the scientific research on insurances at the University of Münster) and of the Versicherungswissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg e.V. (the association for research on insurances in Hamburg).


Birte Raguse is a lecturer for the Deutsche Makler Akademie (German insurance broker academy) and the Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg.

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Ass­Com­pact, Aus­gabe April 2016: Ver­jäh­rungs­frist bei arg­lis­ti­ger Täu­schung im Ver­si­che­rungs­recht

Ass­Com­pact, Aus­gabe Juli 2017: Kos­ten­er­stat­tung bei Lasik-Operationen